Tuesday, April 28, 2009

L.O.V.E. H.O.P.E. F.U.L.L.

there is a moment in time and space when all becomes one.

we are here to live that moment in each and every experience Here On Planet Earth fully.


being full of hope that we are able to step up to each and every occasion with the utmost integrity.

find the power to stand tall.

dig deep within the garden of our being, and fertilizing the soil of our souls.

it is here and now that we choose how to live.

each moment we have a new opportunity to define what our life is, to reawaken to being awake.

blissfully, and yet with a heart heavy from over analyzation of self and being, I sit before you.

I am ready to stand.

ready to be with you at a sacred fire, ready to walk with you through the blazing desire to be free.

It is here and now, in this moment, I choose to live in surrender to this Universe.

Will you walk with me my brothers and sisters?

Is it possible to connect on such an intimate level as I yearn for with so many beings?

I see you by my side.

I hear your hearts calling.

I know that we are together.

our love is stronger than all the forces of all the galaxies combined.

We have the passion, we have the power, we have the truth.

L.O.V.E. H.O.P.E. F.U.L.L.

(Lights Omnipresent Vibration Everywhere Here On Planet Earth Fulfilling Universal Love Laws)


Saturday, April 4, 2009

this is what a butterfly feels like

this is what a butterfly feels like when she first emerges from her cacoon, and tastes life for the first time in this body, she draws in breath for the first time in ages, and remembers what it is like to breathe, she floats in the sky for the first time and loves it so much that she begins to weep, she lands on the nose of a young man who is sitting so peaceful at the base of a tree, together they share all their stories of darkness and light, together they regenerate, together as one they sit and taste the sun as it sneaks down in the sky

lucid living

majik thoughts of breath


one soul life

breaking day

night overturned by sun

sun undertuned by dark

flight into sky

dream dream dream

huge trees

deep roots

fallen angels rise

grey clouds turn into white duves

in the sky

we are dreaming

we are living

we are lucid living

we are lucid dreaming

Friday, April 3, 2009

Don't Forget to Breathe Please

As these crystalline serene scenes

float down to me on sun beams

all my dream themes become


I am reminded to Heal,

reminded to Feel,

reminded to Stop.


And Breathe.

You see

it's all these that forward me

into this new divine reality

in which life seems to be

that which I want,


intend it to be.

I Dream.

Beaming Love and Light to All,

I see the fall of Babylon.

We must walk on,

and Rise.

We must Fly through these skies,

look down from above,

and Love...

our Brothers,

our Sisters,

All Our Relations.

Share your Revelations!

See nations of Light.

Nations that don't have to fight.

Nations that might be from other galaxies,

or possibly even other realities,

those that we may dream about.

Without a doubt,

we are sharing our Love.

And this Peaceful Dove,

she has flown from above.

She has tickled our hearts

with her gentle feathers

soaring on winds blown to forever.

Never doubt.

This scene is real.

Just Feel,


from Above

and Below.

My legs reach to the core of this Planet.

My arms stretch through this Galaxy.

My fingers stir Star Systems

on the edge of this Universe.

It's time for a New Verse.

Conscious Evolution.

No more Mind Pollution.

Mind, Body, Soul connection

equals solution.

And don't forget to Breathe please...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

a brief moment always existing

I have an overwhelming desire to connect with life. Be it through humans, animals, plants, water, mountains, emotions, energy, etc. There is a place in my heart that feel calm and at home, and peaceful, and that is my home. I feel like a little girl looking at the world through eyes of true wonder and amazement

I feel like I will burst soon if I do not get my feelings out and for some strange reason I feel like I have been holding back due to my insecurities of not being good enough, or old enough, or evolved enough, and there is a place inside me that holds the key to banish such thoughts from my mind, so as to no longer hold the blocks that keep me from flying

I know that something major is happening in my body as a whole of all my bodies, and it is going to change the course of my life forever. but then again, that course is always changing and that is the beauty. I do not know. And I love that

I am gearing up for something. I can feel it. I know it with every cell of my being. And yet, I have no clue what it is that I am preparing for. It is sooooo exciting, and I am full of wonder for it

and it will be like this until it is revealed to me. and that is a thought I like. keeps me on my toes, but, I can not allow that to keep me from moving forward. and really it is what propells me. I am drawn to the place inside where I am at peace. I am drawn to share, and connect with others on the most intimate levels one could possibly imagine. This is one of my jobs to fulfill here in this lifetime. To connect, for the healing of myself, and others.

If I can vibrate as close to my true essence as possible, I will provide the most powerful gift that any human can give. A pure, and true reflection to view oneself in a compassionate and unconditional space of true love.