we are here to live that moment in each and every experience Here On Planet Earth fully.
being full of hope that we are able to step up to each and every occasion with the utmost integrity.
find the power to stand tall.
dig deep within the garden of our being, and fertilizing the soil of our souls.
it is here and now that we choose how to live.
each moment we have a new opportunity to define what our life is, to reawaken to being awake.
blissfully, and yet with a heart heavy from over analyzation of self and being, I sit before you.
I am ready to stand.
ready to be with you at a sacred fire, ready to walk with you through the blazing desire to be free.
It is here and now, in this moment, I choose to live in surrender to this Universe.
Will you walk with me my brothers and sisters?
Is it possible to connect on such an intimate level as I yearn for with so many beings?
I see you by my side.
I hear your hearts calling.
I know that we are together.
our love is stronger than all the forces of all the galaxies combined.
We have the passion, we have the power, we have the truth.
L.O.V.E. H.O.P.E. F.U.L.L.
(Lights Omnipresent Vibration Everywhere Here On Planet Earth Fulfilling Universal Love Laws)
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